Taos Historic Inn
New Life for a Historic Complex
The Taos Historic Inn located in the central historic district of Taos is a legend in itself. Originally converted to an Inn in 1936-38 by Helen Martin, the widow of Doc Martin, the Inn has been home to only a few owners since her tenure. Listed on municipal, state and national historic registers, the Inn is one of Taos’ most famous landmarks and the present owner maintains a philosophy of stewardship over the premises. In 2006, the Inn was in need of additional accommodations and renewal of existing rooms and common areas.
Robert Parker Associates was approached to carry out the planning and design work for the Inn. The firm has had many years of experience in restoration and renovation architecture and procurement of planning permission with local and state historical regulatory agencies.
Eight new rooms were planned and designed to fit onto the existing site and meet the exacting standards of the town and state. In addition to this, access for guest arrival, service areas and parking for the Inn was restructured to alleviate a previously constrained layout. Spatially, the design of the eight new rooms had to fit into the only remaining, small site area available for development while providing for gracious courtyard spaces adjoining the new guest rooms.
The new rooms were designed to make use of both new and traditional building technologies. Eco-blocks made from fly ash were used for structural walls and acoustic isolation between rooms. Traditional vigas and kiva fireplaces help to define the overall aesthetic of the guest rooms along with furnishings that were chosen by the owner and an interior designer. Each room has its own special character.
All of the rooms in the Inn, both new and refurbished ones, have state of the art tele-communication and media systems.
The Historic Taos Inn is a destination inn and with the new upgrades throughout the premises, the Inn continues its legacy as one of the regions’ most desirable places to stay, dine, and explore.